James Klemaszewski Education/Outreach
Instruction of Teachers
- Organizer and Coordinator, NASA Galileo Project Educator Workshops:
- "Europa, Another Ocean Planet?", May 1997; JPL, Ames Research Center.
- "Water in the Solar System", November 1998 at NASA JPL (download graphics), and April 1999 at NASA Ames Research Center (view RealMedia file).
- "Life in the Solar System," March 1999 at NASA JPL (download graphics), and May 1999 at NASA Ames Research Center (view RealMedia file).
- Annual ASU Planetary Geology Group Educator Open Houses, 1995-1998
EPO MaterialsMinority Projects
- Development of Galileo Educator Slide Sets
- Galileo at Jupiter (orbits 4-7)
- Galileo at Jupiter (orbits 8-11)
- The Exploration of Europa (highlights from nominal mission and GEM)
- Development of Galileo press release and NASA photojournal products (images and text)
- K-12 education exercises and modules (development and review)
- Educational web-page development and review
- Coordination of planetary science display featuring Galileo and Mars Pathfinder data at Sky Harbor Airport, Phoenix, AZ. ~5 million travelers, July - October, 1998.
- Review of Galileo educator activities (on-line and hard copy), CD-ROM, outreach posters, and postcards.
- ASU Service Learning Program: afterschool program with Salvation Army for under-represented and underprivileged students
- Valley Head Academy, MA: presentations and hands-on activities with students and teachers at school for abused and recovering girls, October 1998
Public Talks
- Southwest Center for Education and the Natural Environment (SCENE): personal tutoring with local high-school students interested in current space research and the scientific method
- LPI Scientists-Teacher Cooperation grant: mentoring of local science teachers and students in planetary science
Mission Planning
- Caltech: Europa Day (live, broadcast via television and Internet --view RealMedia file), Space Day 1998
- ASU "Geology Day" and Space Photography Laboratory events (weekly)
- K-12 classroom visits to local schools
- Public libraries, astronomy clubs, etc.
- Participation in educational web-chats (archived on Internet)
- Radio and newspaper interviews
- Invited lecture, Cornell University, November 1997
- Recommendation and implementation of targeting, sequence development, and playback strategies to SSI Team for Europa and Callisto
- Image processing and analysis of Galileo data
- Participate in orbit and tour development for the Galileo Europa Mission
Top of page| Biography| Education/Outreach| Bibliography| Home Page This page created August 20, 1999
This page last updated November 1, 2000
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